+33 9 80 76 49 30


I - The Past to the Present

Very attached to the history of clothing, we have one wish:
bring the old style up to date. To do this, we
Let's revisit historic workwear and military clothing
by modernizing them.

We perpetuate the tradition and know-how of yesteryear by using
vintage sewing machines for some of our finishing touches
clothes. While making their cut, color and style more current.

Champ de Manoeuvres

I - The Past to the Present

Very attached to the history of clothing, we have one wish:
bring the old style up to date. To do this, we
Let's revisit historic workwear and military clothing
by modernizing them.

We perpetuate the tradition and know-how of yesteryear by using
vintage sewing machines for some of our finishing touches
clothes. While making their cut, color and style more current.

Eugene workwear jacket

Regular price $104.70 USD
Regular price Sale price $104.70 USD
veste workwear homme

Chinos Slack hydron

Regular price $121.23 USD
Regular price Sale price $121.23 USD
Chino Slack hydron - Champ de Manoeuvres