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Pay in three without fees at Champ de Manoeuvers

General Conditions of Payment with Alma - Champ de Manoeuvers

Article 1: Definition

Terms beginning with a capital letter in these general conditions have the following meanings:

  • Seller : Refers to any legal or natural person selling its Products to a Customer and having subscribed to the Services offered by Alma. The Seller can market its Products on its Merchant Site or at a physical point of sale.

  • Alma: Simplified joint stock company, whose head office is located at 176, Avenue Charles De Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-Sur-Seine, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 839100575. Alma is approved as a Payment Institution and Finance Company, registered under number 90786, available on the Regafi website.

  • Application : Customer area created via a mobile application downloadable from a third-party platform, currently only available on the iOS platform version 14 and higher.

  • Product : Good or service subject of the Order, the purchase of which is the basis of the credit transaction.

  • Customer : Any adult natural person, not acting for the purposes of their professional activity, paying for their purchases from the Seller via the Alma payment facility service.

  • Client area : Relationship established with the Customer on a terminal using the Browser or the Application.

  • Ease of payment : “Payment in installments” or “Deferred payment”, credit transactions referred to in Article L. 312-4 of the Consumer Code, granted by a professional in the exercise of his activity.

  • Navigator : Access by URL to the Alma payment page allowing you to create the Customer Area following the transaction.

Article 2: Purpose

“Payment in installments” or “Deferred payment” are payment facilities granted by Alma to the Customer, allowing the payment of the order to be spread out in several installments or postponed to a date after the order. These payment facilities do not fall under the regulations on consumer credit, in accordance with article L. 312-4 of the Consumer Code.

Article 3: Conditions

Access to the payment facility is reserved for Customers residing in France, holders of a Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Cartes Bancaires type bank card issued by a European Union payment service provider. Cards with systematic authorization, credit, prepaid, virtual, or issued by an issuer outside the European Union are not accepted. Alma reserves the right to request additional information from the Client to authorize access to a payment facility, which may include identification or access to the Client's bank account. The Customer agrees to the automatic debit of the sums due on the dates provided for in the payment receipt - due date.

Article 4: Effective date

The Customer formalizes his request for access to the payment facility by clicking on the Alma “Pay in installments” or “Check my card” button. Alma formalizes its agreement with the message “Payment accepted”. The payment facility takes effect immediately, and the Customer will be debited for the amount of the deposit. In certain cases, the payment facility may take effect upon the occurrence of an event related to the sales contract, such as shipment. In this case, the Customer is informed by email of the conditions and deadlines for taking effect. Payment in several installments will be spread over several monthly installments, the amount paid when ordering is not included in the credit.

Article 5: Withdrawal

5.1. Withdrawal of the order: The Customer has a withdrawal period in accordance with the Seller's General Conditions of Sale. If this right is exercised, the payment facility is canceled and the amounts paid to Alma are refunded.

5.2. Withdrawal of the payment facility: The Customer has 14 days to waive the payment facility. In the event of withdrawal, the Customer notifies his decision to the address .

Article 6: Cancellation

In the event of total or partial cancellation of the order, the amount of the payment facility is revised accordingly. Alma reimburses any overpayments.

Article 7: Termination

In the event of non-payment when due or in the event of a false declaration by the Client, Alma may terminate these de facto terms and demand immediate payment of the entire remaining amount due.

Article 8: Fraud

In the event of proven bank fraud, Alma may debit funds from all of the Customer's cards, block reimbursements, request the cancellation of the sale from the Seller, and block the Customer's funds for investigation.

Article 9: Relationships

Alma grants the payment facility to the Customer, carries out the control, acceptance, collection, reimbursement, and recovery, using dematerialized communication media.

Article 10: Proof

The computer data constitutes proof of the payment facility granted. The Customer acknowledges that clicking on the “Pay in installments” or “Pay later” button constitutes a full commitment on his part.

Article 11: Late penalties

The Customer can postpone payment of due dates for free by up to 15 days. In the event of late payment of more than 15 days, Alma will make efforts to resolve the situation amicably. In the event of non-cooperation from the Customer, penalties may be applied.

Article 12: Information, complaints

For any questions or complaints, the Customer can contact Alma at the address , which undertakes to respond within 48 working hours.

Article 13: Collection and processing of data

Alma will process the data in accordance with the GDPR. By accepting the contract, the Customer consents to the use of his personal data for satisfaction surveys.

Article 14: Applicable law

These T&Cs are subject to French law.

Article 15: Competent jurisdiction

Any dispute relating to these terms will fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts. The parties will endeavor to resolve any dispute amicably. In the event of no agreement, optional mediation may be offered, carried out in a spirit of loyalty and good faith.

Article 16: Transfer

These General Terms and Conditions cannot be transferred by the Customer without the express agreement of Alma.

Article 17: Acceptance and signature

By validating the order and choosing Alma payment in installments, the Customer electronically accepts the general conditions, constituting irrevocable acceptance.

Article 18 – Customer area

The Customer can create and access their Customer Area on the Application. Creation is done following a transaction and offers features such as viewing transactions, deferred payment, modifying information, and contacting customer service. The Application can be downloaded on iOS version 14 and higher. By choosing to create their Customer Area, the Customer benefits from pre-filling to speed up future transactions. These general conditions are subject to modification by Alma, and the Customer will be informed by email.